Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The man beat the giant barbeque in the war of hair hanging weight

A man named Robert Nababan, 37, who lives in Indonesia, is being treated in the hospital for serious injuries after a life-and-death battle with a seven meter long beetle.

Robert said he accidentally hit a giant reptile on his way home from work in Riau province. Robert was riding a motorbike when he saw two people caught up in the street by the accusation of a giant hideous animal.

"I tried to catch it," Robert said. "But it bites my hand and I struggle with it for a while."

The animal was later hanged in the village of Robert. The brave man is said to have been exhausted and deeply injured in his left arm.

The largest Guinness world record ever recorded was Medusa, 7m67 in length.

Indonesian media has reported on a similar encounter with a man's giant snake in West Sulawesi, but the case is much more tragic - the man found dead in the reptilian's belly.

According to Mirror

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