Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Not in the delivery room, pregnant women "lay" baby in the hospital elevator

Chinese women were hospitalized in extreme urgency and finally gave birth in the lift, only minutes before reaching the delivery room.

The incident happened at the Wenshang People's Hospital in Shandong Province, China. Initially many people entered the elevator but when they found out the situation, people immediately go out. Finally, when there is room for delivery, there are only 4 pregnant women, husband, elevator operator and a medical staff.

Li Fengling, the elevator operator at the hospital, said the mother looked extremely heavy and painful when she went inside. After entering, she could not wait anymore, so she lay half way down the corner to have a baby. Fengling had to stop the elevator midway and then ask the unrelated people out, creating space for the medical staff to support the patient.

The boy was born in the elevator, weighing 6 pounds (2.7 kg) and perfectly healthy

Nurse Lin Jun was there and helped to give birth to the baby. When I saw the baby's head, nurse Jun knew that it was too late to go to the delivery room. Naturally, babies are born in the elevator.

Upon arrival, a group of paramedics stood outside the elevator and quickly responded promptly. The mother and child were transferred to a push bed and delivered to the delivery room to complete the final stages.

After posting, an impressive video has attracted thousands of views and shares. A netizen humorously commented, "If you intend to have a baby in the elevator, make sure it's a hospital lift!"

The husband embraces his wife while the nurse holds the child with the cord not cut off
Green tea

According to Dailymail

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