Wednesday, October 4, 2017

F-15K, the ace of South Korea's missile defense

The F-15K fighter equipped with super-accurate Taurus surface attack missiles is considered Korea's top ace in dealing with missile launchers.

National Interest reported that during the exercises with the US Air Force, the Air Force first tested a tactic with new weapons. It is a tactical zero-hit cruise missile. Photo: AP.

The new strategy is based on the combination of the F-15K Slam Eagle and KEPD 350 Taurus ground attack cruise missiles. The Taurus missile is a joint production between Germany and Sweden. Photo: CBS News.

Taurus is a high-altitude stealth ground attack missile. The missile flew 30-40 m away from the ground to avoid radar. When approaching the target, the rocket flew high to attack the dive. Photo: CBS News.

The missile is equipped with advanced navigation technology combining inertia, terrain reference and infrared sensors. Taurus can hit the target at 500 km with a mere 1 m. Photo: RT.

The accuracy of the Taurus missiles combined with the superior capabilities of the F-15K fighter provided the Korean Air Force with the means to disable the Korean missile launchers. Photo: Air Force of Korea.

South Korea imported about 170 Taurus missiles, of which 40 were handed over to the air force. In addition, Seoul has also ordered 90 more missiles to meet the growing threat from the Korean missile. Photo: Air Force of Korea.

The F-15K missile equipped with Taurus missiles could strike deep inside Korean territory without having to fly into Pyongyang. The missile can penetrate 6 m thick concrete walls before exploding, allowing the extinguishing of South Korean missile bases or silos. Photo: RT.

In addition to the Taurus missile, the F-15K can carry other air and surface weapons with a total payload of up to 10 tons, three times the weight of the bomber in World War II. Photo: Flickr.

The F-15K is a US version of the F-15E with 40% of the Korean-made components. This is the most modern fighter jet in the Korean Peninsula as well as in Northeast Asia. South Korea currently has 59 F-15Ks that overpower the fighting force. Photo: Airliners.

The F-15K is armed with a powerful electronic warfare system that interferes with enemy air defense systems, making it safer to operate. Given the limited system of North Korean air defense, the F-15K would be an effective weapon to attack Pyongyang's strategic objectives. Photo: Air Force of Korea.

The F-15K is equipped with two F100-PW-229 turbofan engines, a top speed of 3,000 km / h, a maximum range of 3,900 km, and a ceiling of 18,000 m. However, analysts say the impressive power of the F-15K is only limited, not blocking North Korea's offensive capabilities. Photo: Airliners.

South Korean rocket launches Taurus missile to destroy target of North Korea Sept. 12. Seoul plans to equip hundreds of these missiles to boost air power.

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