Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Clip 4 battered policeman caught a 12-year-old boy making the passerby angry

Unusual images of the Australian police are recorded through a video clip at the Bendigo station station. Four police officers hugged a boy to the ground while passengers were at a protesting booth where they did not need to use so many people.

I can hear the child say in the video "drop me off", one of the police officers said, "Really, you will not hurt our members anymore, OK?"

The woman who shot the video asked, "How many people are there? It's just a kid," while approaching the police officers.

The boy begged to be released and the police said "im go". After realizing that the film was being filmed, one of the police officers began trying to explain that the boy was autistic, running around the roof of the station, adding that it was impossible for him to kick everyone. risking yourself injured.

But the woman told the police officer that she also had autism and did not want him to handle things that way.

The following information indicates that the boy's family has confirmed he is not autistic. His father picked him up after the incident.

Victoria police said in a statement on 7 News: "Police have arrested a 12-year-old boy who has resisted, the force used to make the arrest is reasonable. ".

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